
Today's article is again about a more technical topic: hyaluronidase. In a past article we came across the Difference between botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid and this time, too, much of it revolves around Hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronidase is the antagonist of hyaluronic acid, so to speak: hyaluronidase is an endogenous enzyme that rapidly breaks down hyaluronic acid. And this can be desirable in various cases despite the filling effect of hyaluronic acid.

Correction of excessively injected hyaluronic acid

For example, in the rare case that too much hyaluronic acid is injected during a subcutaneous injection. Due to the water-binding property of hyaluronic acid, the volume of the treated area increases - sometimes too much. Treatments in which the filler is injected over a wide area can also cause the hyaluronic acid to slip minimally. In both cases, hyaluronidase is used to counteract the excess hyaluronic acid and thus achieve the desired result.

Correction of putsch treatments in cosmetic studios

Unfortunately, our specialists have to use hyaluronidase more and more often in more serious cases: Namely, in patients who undergo illegal injections with hyaluron filler in a cosmetic studio. Cosmeticians are only allowed to offer treatments with hyaluron, which remains in the body for less than 30 days - which currently does not even exist on the market (read more here). Nevertheless, treatments with long-lasting hyaluron are offered at temptingly low prices and performed under conditions that do not even begin to meet any professional standards. Before the dangers of these Pfutsch offers of cosmetic studios and the deceptive promises of Hyaluron Pens we have already in a past article warned. Above all, we cannot warn enough about the dangers of necrosis: this can be triggered if a filler is not injected at the desired site but directly into a vessel and the surrounding tissue subsequently dies. Especially with regard to necrosis, the importance of a professionally performed treatment must be emphasized. This is because in order to avoid them, years of professional experience in this field are needed - something that is lacking in most cases in a cosmetic studio. If there is a risk of necrosis, hyaluronidase is used as "emergency management" to combat the incorrectly injected hyaluronic acid and avoid necrosis as far as possible.

Risk of necrosis after rhinoplasty

Another striking feature is the increased risk of necrosis in the case of a previous Liquid rhinoplasty. Studies suggest that in some cases the vascular system is slightly altered during rhinoplasty, which impairs blood circulation. It is therefore important that patients speak openly about their medical history - so that our specialists at Beauty2Go can take appropriate measures (sufficient blood flow to the treated area, gradual injection of filler, etc.).

Injections with hyaluron fillers are basically very safe. However, if complications nevertheless arise, hyaluronidase is the answer in most cases. Because with its prompt use after a faulty injection, the hyaluronic acid can be counteracted and a desired result can be achieved.

Beauty2Go as your Go-To Beauty Expert

If you have any further questions about hyaluronidase, hyaluronic acid injections or our work at Beauty2Go in general, please contact us today. Contact. We are happy to help you and advise you free of charge on the various treatments that we offer in our practices in Zurich, Bern and Lucerne. You will also find on our website already plenty of information about our treatments, our team and our prices. And in our blog we deal with a variety of exciting topics, for example the ideal aftercare after hyaluronic injections or the actual effect of hyaluron creams.

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